Education Committee

Education Committee

Bible Study and growing in the Catholic faith should be a "… lifelong process of seeking and coming to know God in the fullness of creation".

We would welcome new members and new ideas, and are also in need of a liaison member, from one of our religious education teachers.

There are several sub groups that fall under the umbrella of this commission, but that are not directly administered by the commission. Those groups are Religious Education, RCIA, Marriage Preparation/Marriage Enrichment, Baptism Preparation, Totus Tuus, and the Teen Group Program.

The commission is responsible for distributing the St. Mary Scholarship Applications for graduating high school seniors during February of each year. The scholarship committee then reviews the applications and make their recommendations to the parish. The funding for the scholarships comes from St. Mary’s Parish, the Knights of Columbus, and the CCW.

The commission tries to help host any evenings that Fr. Tuan holds, relating to faith formation, such as Deck Theology, the explanation mass, etc.

If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Fouts at 1-815-513-3995

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